CUNY - College of Staten Island - English Language Institute

CUNY - College of Staten Island: The English Language Institute (ELI) of the Center for Global Engagement has offered innovative academic programs for students learning English as a Second Language since the late 1970’s. Our course of study is designed to challenge and engage students. Students are immersed in the language, culture, and ethnicity of New York City. Classes range from beginner to the advanced level.

Friday, October 28, 2022

¿Cómo ir a Staten Island desde el aeropuerto?

¿Cómo ir a Staten Island desde el aeropuerto?

Muchos de los visitantes que llegan a Nueva York, aterrizan en el aeropuerto más importante de NY: el aeropuerto de JFK, pero el viaje a Staten Island -Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx o Manhattan- puede ser un desafío para algunos.

Los viajeros también tienen otros aeropuertos: el aeropuerto de LaGuardia o en Nueva Jersey, el aeropuerto de Newark. Todos, incluido el JFK, por supuesto, tienen vuelos nacionales e internacionales y transporte público disponible con dirección a Staten Island. Para los amantes de la adrenalina y viajeros independientes, sin duda recomendamos el viaje en transporte público!!!

Aeropuerto JFK (Queens, Nueva York)

El Aeropuerto Internacional John F. Kennedy, o simplemente JFK, se encuentra entre 40 minutos y una hora de Staten Island. Además de las opciones de taxi ($120-130 taxis amarillos u $80-100 en aplicaciones de taxis privados), puede tomar el transporte público (alrededor de dos horas de viaje).

Este es el resumen del viaje: $8 AirTrain - $2.75 Subway A-Subway R - Staten Island Ferry gratis.

Primero deberá tomar el AirTrain, que es un tren elevado que conecta todas las terminales con la estación de metro más cercana. La tarifa del boleto no es válida para su viaje en metro, pero puede pagar con la misma tarjeta (MetroCard). JFK tiene varias terminales, por lo que probablemente tendrá que esperar hasta la última parada para bajarse del AirTrain. La mejor estación de metro para bajar es Howard Beach para tomar la línea A del metro. También puede parar en la estación Jamaica, pero necesitarás más conexiones de metro para ir a Staten Island.

Mapa del AirTrain del Aeropuerto de JFK

El próximo transporte es el metro, luego de bajarse en la estación de metro de Howard Beach. Su último destino debe ser la estación Whitehall St-South Ferry en Manhattan. Puede tomar el metro A (con dirección a Manhattan -Manhattan bound en inglés- con destino a la parada de metro Inwood). Deberá cambiar de línea de metro en la estación Jay St Metro Tech (de la A a la R). El tren R debe pasar con destino a Forest Hills (yendo a Queens). Debe bajarse en Whitehall St-South Ferry Station. ¡Descargue el mapa del metro para transferir y familiarizarse con el sistema!

Estación de metro de Howard Beach - Flickr

Después de llegar a la estación de metro de Whitehall/South Ferry, debe seguir las indicaciones hacia la terminal del ferry de Staten Island (terminal de Whitehall). El ferry está disponible las 24 horas, por lo que no importa a qué hora llegue y, dado que es gratuito, no necesita pagar boletos para abordar. Los ferries suelen salir cada treinta minutos, así que puede esperar en el vestíbulo o hall principal (sala de espera). ¡Disfruta del viaje en el lado derecho del ferry para tomar fotos de la Estatua de la Libertad!

Ferry de Staten Island pasando frente a la Estatua de la Libertad

En el ferry tendrá un viaje de 25 minutos desde Manhattan a Staten Island. Una vez que llegue a la terminal de ferry de St. George, puede tomar buses públicos a cualquier parte de Staten Island. Los buses públicos también funcionan las 24 horas y puede usar su pago en metro (MetroCard o pago en OMNY) para hacer transbordo sin pagar nuevamente.

Puede usar los servicios de automóviles (car service en inglés) de Staten Island en la terminal (no hay taxis amarillos en Staten Island) o usar una aplicación de taxi privado. Si necesita ir al College of Staten Island, también puede tomar el bus gratuito (CSI Ferry Shuttle Bus) desde la terminal hasta el campus, con autobuses gratuitos cada treinta minutos.

Aeropuerto de Newark (Nueva Jersey)

Aunque el Aeropuerto Internacional Newark Liberty (EWR) es el más cercano a Staten Island (20 minutos en auto o $70-100 en taxi), ¡el transporte público tardará entre 1h30m y 2 horas en llegar a Staten Island! Desafortunadamente, no hay tren, metro o autobús directo desde Newark a Staten Island, y tendrá que pasar por Manhattan.

AirTrain - Tren aéreo del aeropuerto de NJ
AirTrain - Tren aéreo del aeropuerto de Newark -

Hay varias opciones que puede tomar: NJ AirTrain, NJ Train (PATH) y NYC o Staten Island Ferry son las tres formas que recomendamos con estas rutas:

  • Opción 1: $8-11 AirTrain hasta la estación Newark Railroad, $11 NJ Train hasta Newark Penn Station, $2,75 PATH Train hasta el World Trade Center (Manhattan) o hasta NY Penn Station, $2,75 Subway W hasta Whitehall St - Ferry Station, y finalmente a Staten Island gratis en el Ferry de Staten Island. Ver esta ruta en Google Maps aquí.
  • Opción 2: $8-11 AirTrain o $1.50 autobús hasta Newark Railroad (Newark Penn Station), $2.75 PATH Train hasta la estación Exchange Place (Nueva Jersey), $7 NJ Ferry (Paulus Hook) hasta Brookfield Pl/Battery Park City (Manhattan), $4 Ferry de NYC (Battery Park City/Vesey St) a St. George (Staten Island). Ver esta ruta en Google Maps aquí.
  • Opción 3: Autobús Newark Airport Express a $18,70 hasta NY Penn Station, $2,75 en metro 1 hasta South Ferry, ferry gratuito de Staten Island a Staten Island. Ver esta ruta en Google Maps aquí. Esta ruta es muy recomendable ya que los autobuses de Newark Airport Express están diseñados para los viajeros del aeropuerto y van sin escalas desde el aeropuerto de Nueva Jersey hasta Manhattan.
Mapa de tren PATH - Exchange Place Alliance

Aeropuerto LaGuardia (Queens, Nueva York)

El Aeropuerto LaGuardia es el segundo aeropuerto más grande después del JFK en Nueva York. Ha tenido importantes mejoras en los últimos años y las conexiones de transporte público también han aumentado para quienes viajan desde este importante aeropuerto. El viaje a Staten Island puede tomar una hora en automóvil o taxi, pero también hay transporte público disponible y solo pagará $2.75 por todo el camino hasta Staten Island.

Tome el autobús gratuito LaGuardia Link Q70 hasta la parada de autobús de Broadway/Roosevelt St, tome el metro R de $2.75, con destino a Brooklyn (Bay Ridge 95 St), y bájese en la parada de metro de Whitehall St (Manhattan). Salga a la calle y encontrará la terminal de ferry de Staten Island. ¡Toma el ferry gratis a Staten Island! El viaje durará casi dos horas y puedes ver la ruta de Google Maps aquí.

Autobús LaGuardia Link Q70 - MTA

Llegué a Staten Island, ¿y ahora qué?

Si ha llegado en transporte público a la terminal de ferry de St. George en Staten Island, tendrá varias opciones de transporte público y privado desde allí a cualquier lugar de Staten Island.

  • Tren o Ferrocarril de Staten Island: Sólo hay una línea y va desde/hacia la terminal de ferry al sur de la isla (parada Tottenville) en 50 minutos. Tiene 20 paradas en el camino. El viaje de $2.75 se puede usar si se transfiere a cualquier otro autobús. Si tomó un metro en Manhattan antes, no necesita pagar el viaje en SI Train nuevamente. Puedes ver el viaje del SI Train en Google Maps aquí.
  • Autobús público de Staten Island: hay muchos autobuses que salen de la terminal de ferry SI, por toda la isla. La mayoría de los autobuses ofrecen un servicio de 24 horas, pero algunas líneas tienen rutas u horarios limitados. Nuevamente, si tomó un metro o un autobús en Manhattan, no necesita pagar la tarifa de $ 2.75 nuevamente. Puedes ver el horario aquí.
  • Servicio de automóviles: No hay taxis amarillos en Staten Island. ¡No espere un taxi en la calle porque nunca verá uno buscando pasajeros en Staten Island! Puede que tenga que llamar a un servicio de coche. Hay muchas empresas que ofrecen este servicio en todo Staten Island (y fuera de la isla). Puede encontrar un directorio de empresas de servicios de automóviles aquí.

¿Vas al campus de CSI?

Siempre puede leer las instrucciones detalladas en el sitio web de CSI aquí.

  • Ferry Shuttle Bus de College of Staten Island (CSI): Para aquellos que van a CSI, siga las indicaciones dentro de la terminal del ferry hasta la parada del ferry shuttle bus (cerca de las plataformas de autobuses públicos). El autobús gratuito CSI Ferry suele salir cada 30 minutos y va sin parar al campus (última parada en el edificio 1P).
Bus del ferry de CSI

Bus expreso SIM33

¡Esperamos que disfrutes del viaje!

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- ¿Interesado en aprender inglés? Inscríbete en nuestro programa de inglés: / en el English Language Institute at the College of Staten Island/The City University of New York (CUNY). El English Language Institute (ELI) ofrece un programa académico emocionante e innovador para estudiantes que aprenden inglés como segundo idioma. Nuestro curso de estudio está diseñado para desafiar e involucrar a los estudiantes. Los estudiantes se sumergen en el idioma, la cultura y el origen étnico de la ciudad de Nueva York. ELI ofrece períodos semestrales y de verano de 18 y 22 horas de clase por semana. Los estudiantes también pueden unirse a los grupos que ya comenzaron el semestre o el período de verano y estudiar tantas semanas como sea posible. Los estudiantes tienen cursos como lectura y escritura, gramática, conversación y talleres de preparación para el examen TOEFL con un examen final TOEFL ITP, que les permite postularse para cualquier título escolar de CUNY. Los estudiantes de nuestro programa tienen derecho a utilizar todas las instalaciones disponibles en el campus, como la piscina, las canchas de tenis, baloncesto, ráquetbol y el gimnasio. Los estudiantes también pueden asistir a cualquier conferencia o taller que consideren que mejoraría su propia experiencia de aprendizaje. Te invitamos a que vengas a ver nuestro hermoso campus. Aprende inglés mientras disfrutas de la rica cultura que la ciudad de Nueva York tiene para ofrecer. Staten Island Staten Island tiene aproximadamente cuatro veces el tamaño de Manhattan y tiene una población de aproximadamente 473.000 habitantes. Se destaca por sus parques y áreas recreativas, además de varios sitios culturales notables. Manhattan y otros "distritos" de la ciudad de Nueva York son fácilmente accesibles en transporte público. El campus The College está ubicado en un gran campus con bosques y espacios abiertos en Staten Island. Sus atractivas instalaciones incluyen laboratorios tecnológicamente avanzados, un Centro de Recreación y Deportes y un Centro de Artes Escénicas y Creativas. Ubicación del campus La universidad está a veinticinco minutos en ferry desde Manhattan. Nuestros estudiantes tienen fácil acceso a la rica vida cultural de la ciudad a través de un viaje en ferry ubicado en el campus de CSI. El transbordador viaja directamente al ferry de Staten Island. Programa académico ELI El ELI ofrece instrucción intensiva y completa del idioma inglés y orientación cultural durante todo el año. El programa cubre todos los aspectos del inglés hablado y escrito, incluyendo escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir. Cla

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interested in learning English? Sign up in our English program: / at the English Language Institute at the College of Staten Island/The City University of New York (CUNY). The English Language Institute (ELI) offers an exciting and innovative academic program for students learning English as a second language. Our course of study is designed to challenge and engage students. Students are immersed in the language, culture, and the ethnicity of New York City. ELI offers semester and summer terms of 18 and 22 hours of class per week. Students can also join the groups that have already started the semester or summer term and study as many weeks as possible. Students have courses such as reading and writing, grammar, conversation, and TOEFL test preparation workshops with a final TOEFL ITP test, which lets students apply for any CUNY school degree. Students in our program are entitled to use all the facilities available on campus such as the pool, tennis, basketball, racquetball courts, and fitness center. Students can also attend any lectures or workshops they feel would enhance their own learning experience. We invite you to come and see our beautiful campus. Learn English while enjoying the rich culture New York City has to offer. Staten Island Staten Island is about four times the size of Manhattan and has a population of approximately 473,000. It is noted for its parks and recreational areas, in addition to several notable cultural sites. Manhattan and other "boroughs" of New York City are easily accessible by public transportation. The campus The College is set on a large campus with woodlands and open spaces in Staten Island. Its attractive facilities include technologically advanced laboratories, a Sports and Recreation Center and a Center for the Performing and Creative Arts. Campus location The College is twenty-five minutes by ferry from Manhattan. Our students have easy access to the rich cultural life of the City by way of a ferry shuttle ride located on the CSI campus. The ferry shuttle travels directly to the Staten Island ferry. ELI academic program The ELI offers intensive, comprehensive English language instruction and cultural orientation throughout the year. The program covers all aspects of spoken and written English, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Classes are given at three levels of proficiency, from beginner to advanced. Course content includes the proper use of English structures, fluency and accuracy of expression with acceptable pronunciation, listening and reading comprehension, and writing for personal, academic, and professional purposes. Students communicate in English from the first lesson at the beginner level. At all levels they work on integrated skills, focusing on the active, knowledgeable use of the language, rather than mere passive comprehension. ELI courses: Reading & Writing Grammar Communications (Conversation) TOEFL Workshop

How to go to Staten Island from the airport?

Article in Spanish here/Artículo en español aquí.

How to go to Staten Island from the airport?

Many visitors arrive in New York at the most important NY airport: JFK Airport, but the ride to Staten Island -Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, or Manhattan- could be challenging for some.

Travelers have other airports as well: LaGuardia Airport or in New Jersey, Newark Airport. All, including JFK of course, have international and domestic flights, and public transportation available to Staten Island. For those who love the adrenaline and are independent travelers, we certainly recommend the ride in public transportation!!!

JFK Airport (Queens, NY)

John F. Kennedy International Airport, or simply JFK, is 40 minutes to one hour from Staten Island. Besides taxi options ($120-130 yellow cabs or $80-100 private taxi apps), you can take public transportation (around two-hour ride).

This is the summary of the trip: $8 AirTrain - $2.75 Subway A-Subway R - free Staten Island Ferry.

You will need to take the AirTrain first, which is an elevated train that connects all the terminals with the nearest subway station. The ticket fare is not valid for your subway ride, but you can pay with the same card (MetroCard). JFK has several terminals so you will probably need to wait until the last stop to get off from the AirTrain. The best subway station to get off is Howard Beach to take the Line A subway. You can also stop at Jamaica Station, but you will need more subway connections to go to Staten Island.

The next ride is the subway when you get off at Howard Beach subway station. Your last destination should be the Whitehall St-South Ferry station in Manhattan. You can take the A subway (Manhattan direction or Manhattan bound to Inwood subway stop). You will need to change subway lines at Jay St Metro Tech station (from A to R). The R train should be Forest Hills bound (going to Queens). You should get off at Whitehall St-South Ferry Station. Download the subway map to transfer and familiarize with the system!


After you arrive at the Whitehall/South Ferry subway station, you should follow signs to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal (Whitehall Terminal). The ferry is 24 hours available so it does not matter what time you arrive and since it is free, you do not need to pay for tickets to board. The ferries usually depart every thirty minutes, so you can wait in the main hall. Enjoy the ride on the right side of the ferry for photos of the Statue of Liberty!!!

You will have a 25-minute ride from Manhattan to Staten Island. Once you arrive at the St. George Ferry Terminal, you can take public buses to any part of Staten Island. Public buses also run 24 hours and you can use your subway ride (MetroCard or using your OMNY ride) to transfer without paying again.

You can use Staten Island car services at the terminal (there are no yellow taxi cabs in Staten Island) or use a private taxi app. If you need to go to the College of Staten Island, you can also take the free bus (CSI Ferry Shuttle Bus) from the terminal to campus, with free buses every thirty minutes. 

Newark Airport (New Jersey)

Even though the Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) is the closest one to Staten Island (20 minutes by car or $70-100 taxi), public transportation will take around 1h30m to 2 hours to Staten Island!!! Unfortunately, there is no direct train, subway, or bus from Newark to Staten Island, and you would have to go through Manhattan.

NJ AirTrain
NJ AirTrain -

There are several options you can take: NJ AirTrain, NJ Train (PATH), and the NYC or Staten Island Ferry are the three ways we recommend with these routes:

  • Option 1: $8-11 AirTrain to Newark Railroad Station, $11 NJ Train to Newark Penn Station, $2.75 PATH Train to the World Trade Center (Manhattan) or to NY Penn Station, $2.75 Subway W to Whitehall St - Ferry station, free Staten Island Ferry to Staten Island. See this route on Google Maps here
  • Option 2: $8-11 AirTrain or $1.50 bus to Newark Railroad (Newark Penn Station), $2.75 PATH Train to Exchange Place station (New Jersey), $7 NJ Ferry (Paulus Hook) to Brookfield Pl/Battery Park City (Manhattan), $4 NYC Ferry (Battery Park City/Vesey St) to St. George (Staten Island). See this route on Google Maps here.
  • Option 3: $18.70 Newark Airport Express bus to NY Penn Station, $2.75 Subway 1 to South Ferry, free Staten Island Ferry to Staten Island. See this route on Google Maps here. This route is highly recommended since the Newark Airport Express buses are designed for airport travelers and it goes non-stop from the NJ airport to Manhattan.

Exchange Place Alliance

LaGuardia Airport (Queens, NY)

LaGuardia Airport is the second largest airport after JFK in NYC. It has had major improvements in the past, recent years, and the public transportation connections have also increased for those traveling from this important airport. The trip to Staten Island may take one hour by car or taxi, but public transportation is also available and you will only pay $2.75 all the way to Staten Island!!!

Take the free LaGuardia Link Q70 bus to Broadway/Roosevelt St bus stop, take the $2.75 R Subway, Brooklyn bound (Bay Ridge 95 St), and get off at the Whitehall St subway stop (Manhattan). Walk outside to the street and you will find the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. Take the free ferry to Staten Island! The ride will take almost two hours and you can see the Google Maps route here.

LaGuardia Link Q70 bus
LaGuardia Link Q70 bus - MTA

I arrived in Staten Island, now what?

If you have arrived by public transportation to the St. George Staten Island Ferry Terminal, you will have several public and private transportation options from there to any place in Staten Island.

  • Staten Island Train or Railroad: There is only one line and it goes from/to the ferry terminal to the south of island (Tottenville stop) in 50 minutes. It has 20 stops along the way. The $2.75 ride can be used if you transfer to any other bus. If you took a subway in Manhattan before, you do not need to pay the SI Train ride again. You can see the SI Train ride in Google Maps here.
  • Staten Island public bus: There are plenty of buses that depart from the SI Ferry Terminal, all around the island. Most of the buses offer a 24-hour service, but some lines are limited in their routes or schedules. Again, if you took a subway or bus in Manhattan, you do not need to pay the $2.75 fare again. You can see the schedule here.
  • Car Service: There are no yellow taxi cabs in Staten Island. Do not wait for a taxi cab on the street because you will never see one looking for passengers around Staten Island! You may have to call for a car service. There are plenty of companies that offer this service all around Staten Island (and outside the island). You can find a directory of car service companies here.

Going to CSI campus?

You can always read the detailed directions from the CSI web site here.
  • College of Staten Island (CSI) Ferry Shuttle bus: For those going to CSI, follow directions inside the ferry terminal to the ferry shuttle bus stop (near the public bus platforms). The free CSI Ferry bus usually departs every 30 minutes and it goes non-stop to the campus (last stop in 1P Building).
CSI Ferry Shuttle Bus
Staten Island-Manhattan Express Bus
Staten Island-Manhattan Express Bus

We hope you enjoy the ride!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interested in learning English? Sign up in our English program: / at the English Language Institute at the College of Staten Island/The City University of New York (CUNY). The English Language Institute (ELI) offers an exciting and innovative academic program for students learning English as a second language. Our course of study is designed to challenge and engage students. Students are immersed in the language, culture, and the ethnicity of New York City. ELI offers semester and summer terms of 18 and 22 hours of class per week. Students can also join the groups that have already started the semester or summer term and study as many weeks as possible. Students have courses such as reading and writing, grammar, conversation, and TOEFL test preparation workshops with a final TOEFL ITP test, which lets students apply for any CUNY school degree. Students in our program are entitled to use all the facilities available on campus such as the pool, tennis, basketball, racquetball courts, and fitness center. Students can also attend any lectures or workshops they feel would enhance their own learning experience. We invite you to come and see our beautiful campus. Learn English while enjoying the rich culture New York City has to offer. Staten Island Staten Island is about four times the size of Manhattan and has a population of approximately 473,000. It is noted for its parks and recreational areas, in addition to several notable cultural sites. Manhattan and other "boroughs" of New York City are easily accessible by public transportation. The campus The College is set on a large campus with woodlands and open spaces in Staten Island. Its attractive facilities include technologically advanced laboratories, a Sports and Recreation Center and a Center for the Performing and Creative Arts. Campus location The College is twenty-five minutes by ferry from Manhattan. Our students have easy access to the rich cultural life of the City by way of a ferry shuttle ride located on the CSI campus. The ferry shuttle travels directly to the Staten Island ferry. ELI academic program The ELI offers intensive, comprehensive English language instruction and cultural orientation throughout the year. The program covers all aspects of spoken and written English, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Classes are given at three levels of proficiency, from beginner to advanced. Course content includes the proper use of English structures, fluency and accuracy of expression with acceptable pronunciation, listening and reading comprehension, and writing for personal, academic, and professional purposes. Students communicate in English from the first lesson at the beginner level. At all levels they work on integrated skills, focusing on the active, knowledgeable use of the language, rather than mere passive comprehension. ELI courses: Reading & Writing Grammar Communications (Conversation) TOEFL Workshop