CUNY - College of Staten Island - English Language Institute

CUNY - College of Staten Island: The English Language Institute (ELI) of the Center for Global Engagement has offered innovative academic programs for students learning English as a Second Language since the late 1970’s. Our course of study is designed to challenge and engage students. Students are immersed in the language, culture, and ethnicity of New York City. Classes range from beginner to the advanced level.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday

“Black Friday” is the day after Thanksgiving. Every store has really great sales so everyone goes to buy gifts for Christmas.
Example: Jackson wanted a new laptop for Christmas so his mom decided to go buy one on Black Friday.

Image courtesy of

Friday, November 16, 2018

ELI Culture Day at the College of Staten Island

ELI Culture Day at the College of Staten Island

ESL students at the English Language Institute will show the best of their countries. Around 80 students from all over the world will present different features from more than 15 nationalities such as music, tourist attractions, gastronomy, and more. A special Mexican dance group will perform during the event. The Consul General of Mexico in New York will offer a lecture regarding the importance of the culture nowadays.

The English Language Institute (ELI) at the College of Staten Island (CSI)/The City University of New York (CUNY) organizes a great cultural event every semester called ELI Culture Day. English students present different features from their home countries and talk about their food, tourist attractions, their music, and more. They also bring typical food and share it among attendees.

The event is special this year since it will have the presence of the General Consul of Mexico in New York, Ambassador Diego Gómez Pickering, who will offer a lecture regarding the importance of culture nowadays. Our distinguished speaker has been Ambassador in the United Kingdom and has a vast experience in international affairs at the United Nations in the Middle East and Africa.

Before his presentation, we will have the Calpulli Mexican Dance Company, with some typical dances from Mexico. Calpulli produces professional performances and designs arts-in-education programming with the diversity of Mexican and Mexican-American cultural heritage through dance-based programming including live music.

These presentations are connected to the great presence of more than forty Mexican students who are currently learning English at ELI thanks to the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Fund that grants fuel strategic partnerships to increase student exchange and training programs between the Americas. ELI has welcomed several Mexican students who have come with a full scholarship and will learn English in New York at the College of Staten Island.

The whole event will have students from Afghanistan, Albania, China, Colombia, Gabon, Kyrgyzstan, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guinea, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Spain, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Yemen. These students will also bring the best of their countries and share it among their classmates.

This year, more than 100 international students have participated in our English program, and ELI has become the largest ESL program in Staten Island. ELI has students who come to learn English and return to their home countries to seek better opportunities or apply to the College of Staten Island to pursue a college degree, among other students who have different goals as well.

ELI has also increased the number of students with partners around the world through a customized online program reaching more than 3,000 students online this year.

ELI is eager to welcome more students to learn English in New York and have a great experience like Culture Day!

Monday, September 17, 2018

CSI スタテンアイランド大学のイングリッシュランゲージインスティチュート

CSI スタテンアイランド大学のイングリッシュランゲージインスティチュート 

スタテンアイランド大学 (CSI) は勉強するにはとても良い環境です 

スタテンアイランド大学のイングリッシュランゲージインスティチュートは留学生と社会人に質の高い集中的な英 語教育を提供しています: 

  • 25 年以上もの間、アメリカの大学に入学するため、そして母国でのキャリアに役立てるために英語を学ぼ うとする生徒たちに英語を教えてきました 
  • イングリッシュランゲージインスティチュートに在籍している生徒がスタテンアイランド大学または大学 院に入学できるようお手伝いします 
  • スタテンアイランド大学の施設を利用することができます: 
           o 最新フィットネスとレクリエーションセンター (プール、テニス、バスケットコート)
           o 図書館 / インターネット利用可
  • マンハッタンまでフェリーで 20 分と近い 
  • フィールドトリップ: 博物館、劇場、スポーツ ビジネス 
  • 教室の外に出て様々な文化体験をします
  •  204 エーカーの広いキャンパス
  •  週に 20 時間の授業は以下の科目を含みます 

            o リーディングとライティング 
            o 文法 
            o コミュニケーション /自己表現 
            o ワークショップ: 
                - TOEFL  スピーチと
                - 頭プレゼンテーション
                - 大学入学のための CAT-W テスト準備
                - 説得力のある議論方法
                - 発音  ディクテーション
                - 上級ライティングと図書館チュートリアル
                - 創造的ライティング

             o 講義 /フィルム: World on Wednesday シリーズ 

  • Culture Day, 口頭プレゼンテーション、食事、伝統衣装、クラフト、音楽、ダンスなど 
  • インターナショナルコーヒーアワー 
  •  平均クラス規模: 世界中からの留学生 10-17 人 
  •  とても優秀で、忍耐強く、面倒見の良い指導陣 
  •  双方向型の指導スタイル: 生徒が中心の指導方式

イングリッシュランゲージインステイチュート (ELI)のプログラムでは、文法(構文と使用法)、リーディングと ライティング、口語表現と発音の授業を提供しています。授業では、生徒の個人的なニーズに応じてきめの細かい 指導をしています。指導法は双方向型で、学生がアメリカの大学で成功できるよう指導します。正式な指導のほか 、ELI はクラブ、討論、遠足、フィルム、ワークショップなども企画しています。学生がアメリカの文化や施設を 理解し、アメリカでの生活に溶け込めるようにするためです。

スタテンアイランド大学 : 

スタテンアイランド大学は、スタテン島唯一のニューヨーク市立大学(CUNY)です。ニューヨーク市立大学は、 アメリカで 3 番目に大きな大学機構で、11 の 4 年制大学、6 つの 2 年制短期大学、大学院、ロースクール、メディ カルスクールと付属のメディカルスクールがあります。最初の CUNY はシティーカレッジで 1847 年に設立されま した。今日 CUNY システムは、ニューヨーク、そして世界中から集まる 20 万人の学生に、利用しやすく安価な高 等教育を提供しています。

 スタテンアイランド大学は最新のキャンパスが自慢で、1994 年に完成しました。CSI ではおよそ 12000 人の学部 生と 1000 人の大学院生が学んでいます。一般的にアメリカでは「総合的教育機関」と呼ばれ、リベラルアーツや サイエンスの分野の一般教育科目をはじめ、様々なプロフェッショナルプログラムや修士、博士号プログラムも提 供しています。大学は中部州大学学校協会からも認可を受けています。 

イングリッシュランゲージインスティテュートへ入学する学生は、TOEFL で十分な成績を修めて英語学習を修了 した上で、スタテンアイランド大学への入学を許可されることがあります。英語が母国語でない学部生は最低で PBT で 450 点、CBT で 133 点を取得しなければなりません。大学院生は、PBT で 550 点、CBT で 213 点が必要で す


English Language Institute 
Center for Global Engagement
The College of Staten Island / City University of New York 
North Administration 2A, Room 207 Staten Island, New York 10314 
Phone. 718.982.2100 or 718.982.2090 Fax. 718.982.2108 

Monday, August 27, 2018

ELI welcomed students from 15 different nationalities

ELI welcomed students from 15 different nationalities

The Fall term at the English Language Institute (ELI) at the College of Staten Island/CUNY started with a large group. ELI has always welcomed students from different regions, and this time, a great diversity showed that many students want to learn English for different purposes such as degree-seeking goals, work opportunities, or the experience of learning English in an exciting city like New York.

The first exercise in class was standing up and asking their classmates what their hobbies were and where they were from. ELI teachers, David Bridston and Thomas Speirs, started their session with an ice-break exercise in order to meet each other. It was exciting to see students from complete different regions or culture talk to each other -and we know, they will become friends for ever. A student from Colombia talking to his new friend from Guinea and a student from Jordan with a new classmate from Guatemala made the classes fun and interesting since they spoke about their favorite typical dishes or the city where they were born.

English classes started August 24 with a placement test and orientation session, explaining which facilities they could use at the largest CUNY campus, which has 204 acres, with a large collection of books at its library and large green areas with sports facilities around. Students also have free loop and shuttle ferry buses at their service if they want to go to another building or go to Manhattan with the free Staten Island Ferry ride. 

ELI teachers
ELI has one big secret for its success: ELI teachers. Students just love them. Gail Hernandez, David Bridston, Thomas Speirs, and Drew Bostinto, are experienced and certified teachers who love teaching, and especially, taking care of their students' success. Classes are intensive with 18 hours per week, but they make sure students have fun, smile, play and learn, and have a great experience with field trips and extra activities that let them learn English in a fun setting. 

Many ELI students want to apply to the College of Staten Island and its more than 80 majors or other CUNY schools while other students come for one semester to improve their English skills (speaking, writing, reading, and listening) and return to their home countries to continue with their studies. They meet with other students who are Staten Island or New York residents looking for job opportunities. Overall, the goals are diverse and our teachers make everybody learn in a useful and fun way.

Great diversity
This group started with almost thirty students, but they will meet 40 Mexican students in a couple of months when the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Proyecta program starts in November at the English Language Institute. The diversity that will take place at ELI classes will be exciting since this Fall term ELI welcomed students from Afghanistan, Albania, China, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guinea, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Peru, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Yemen. 

The English Language Institute belongs to the Center for Global Engagement, which is the international office at the College of Staten Island (CSI)/The City University of New York (CUNY), and it has expanded the number of students with its Intensive English Program where students spend between 18 and 22 hours per week learning English. However, learning English at CSI adds the campus experience since they have access to university life with conferences, lectures, sports activities, student clubs, and more.

New students can still join this group since ELI welcomes students every week. Classes will be available until December 14, and we are sure you will be able to learn or improve your English in a quiet area like Staten Island but still close to Manhattan. 

Have a great semester!

English Language Institute
College of Staten Island/CUNY

Friday, August 10, 2018

Peruvian student won a scholarship for ELI Summer 2

Peruvian student won a scholarship for ELI Summer 2

Around 300 Peruvian students applied for an academic scholarship to study at the English Language Institute at the College of Staten Island. The scholarship included fees and books during the second summer term.

Alejandra Beltrán, from the city of Arequipa in Peru, applied to the English Language Institute (ELI) at the College of Staten Island (CSI)/The City University of New York (CUNY) and won a scholarship among 300 applicants. It is the first time that ELI offers an academic scholarship and it will be offered from time to time in different countries.

The scholarship included the application and document processing fees, English books for the program, and the tuition fee of US$ 1,600 for the second summer term of the Intensive English Program that ELI offers between July and August. Alejandra stayed with a host family that welcomes CSI international students, close to campus, and had a great cultural experience.

The selection process was very difficult since the 300 applicants needed to show their best grades in order to be selected. Alejandra, who is currently studying in one of the best universities in Peru (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) also commented: “I feel very excited to be part of this experience, especially to improve my English and university studies, which will be reflected on the internationalization, academic strength and community service. When I return, my experience will let me lead with new ideas in my field of studies and within my social context.”

During classes, Alejandra studied different English courses such as reading and writing, grammar, speaking and a TOEFL workshop, having an ITP TOEFL test at the end of the program. She had classmates from all over the world, with students from China, Japan, Korea, Puerto Rico, and Turkey. The program included a field trip in Manhattan and a Culture Day activity, where students interacted, learned from other cultures, and visited different places. Alejandra said “I think the College is very beautiful, the campus is very pleasant, really large, a lot of green areas, very quiet, and well located.”

The English Language Institute is part of the Center for Global Engagement at CSI and is focused on strengthening the students’ English language skills for applying to university, finding a better job, or living in the USA. ELI offers different terms during the year and students can come to the largest CUNY campus at any time and study one or more weeks.

ELI congratulates Alejandra and looks forward to welcoming more students from all over the world to have the same experience as Alejandra did in Staten Island and in New York.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Институт английского языка колледжа Статен Айленда (College of Staten Island), в Нью-Йорке

Институт английского языка колледжа Статен Айленда (College of Staten Island), в Нью-Йорке

 Нью-Йорк - это город, в котором стоит побывать. Колледж Статен Айленда (CSI) - это колледж, в котором стоит учиться. Не просто изучайте английский- окунитесь в языковую среду!

Институт английского языка в колледже Статен Айленда предлагает иностранным студентам и профессионалам высококачественное интенсивное обучение английскому языку: 

• Более 25-ти лет институт обучает студентов из разных стран мира для последующего образования в университетах США и дальнейшей успешной̆профессиональной карьеры на родине 

• Значительно упрощает своим студентам прием в колледж Статен Айленда для обучения по бакалаврским и магистерским программам 

• Являясь частью колледжа Статен Айленд, предоставляет возможность пользоваться всеми объектами / преимуществами университетской̆жизни, как: 
          o Спортивный и оздоровительный центр, оборудованный по последним стандартам (плавательный бассейн, теннисный корт, баскетбольная площадка) 
          o Библиотека/Доступ в Интернет 

• Находится близко к Манхэттену: всего 20 минут на пароме 
• Организует выезды в музеи, театры, на спортивные мероприятия, посещения предприятий 
• Проводит культурные программы вне стен университета для знакомства студентов с местным сообществом 
• Имеет большой и просторный (204 акра или около 82 га) студенческий городок 
• От 18 - ти до 22-х часов занятий в неделю (в зависимости от программы), включая: 
          o Чтение и письменный английский 
          o Грамматика 
          o Общение / Самовыражение 
          o Семинары: 
                      Экзамен TOEFL(Тест английского как иностранного языка) 
                      Разговорные и устные презентации 
                      Подготовка к тесту CAT-W (тест по оценке уровня письменного английского, разработанный в городском университете Нью-Йорка) для поступления в колледж 
                      Обучение искусству убеждать 
                      Произношение 
                      Дикция 
                      Продвинутый письменный английский и консультации по использованию библиотечных ресурсов 
                      Литературное творчество 
          o Серии лекций / фильмов: «Мир по средам» 

• Дни культуры, в программе которых: устные презентации, дегустация блюд, демонстрация национальных костюмов и народных промыслов; музыка и танцы • Встречи иностранных студентов за чашкой кофе 
• Небольшие группы - 10-17 человек из разных стран
• Высоко компетентные, терпеливые и заботливые преподаватели 
• Интерактивный стиль обучения и методики, ориентированные на центральную роль студентов 

Программы в Институте английского языка (ELI) разделены на три части: грамматика (структура и использование); чтение и письменный английский; развитие речи и произношение. Все они в большой степени основаны на индивидуальном подходе к потребностям каждого студента. Чтобы подготовить студентов к эффективной работе в условиях американской университетской среды, используется интерактивный стиль обучения. В дополнение к традиционным формам обучения, Институт английского языка предлагает общение в клубах, организует дискуссии и экскурсиии, просмотр фильмов и семинары, что помогает студентам в понимании американской культуры и общества, а также их успешной интеграции в жизнь американского университета.

Колледж Статен Айленда - это единственный колледж городского университета Нью-Йорка на территории Статен Айленда. Городской университет Нью-Йорка (CUNY) является третьей по величине университетской системой в Соединенных Штатах. В ее состав входит одиннадцать колледжей четырёхгодичного обучения, семь колледжей двухгодичного обучения, Маколи Колледж (Macaulay Honors College) для отличников университета и пять школ с получением степени магистра как по научным дисциплинам так и по специальности. Первый колледж городского университета Нью-Йорка - Городской колледж - был основан в 1847 г. Сегодня комплекс университета предоставляет доступное высшее образование около 480-ти тысячам студентов из Нью-Йрка и других стран мира. 

Cтуденческий городок, построенный в 1994 году и оборудованный по самым последним стандартам, является предметом гордости Колледжа Статен Айленда. Колледж насчитывает примерно 13,000 студентов и 1,000 аспирантов. Колледж Статен Айленда представляет собой комплексное образовательное учреждение, что подразумевает не только общее образование в области естественных и точных наук, но и разностороннее профессиональное обучение, аспирантские программы и докторантуру. Программы колледжа полностью аккредитованы Ассоциацией ВУЗов и школ Средних Штатов. 

У студентов колледжа Статен Айленда есть широкие перспективы для участия как в научно-исследовательских проектах под руководством профессоров, так и в авторитетных международных программах. Колледж ведет также несколько аспирантских программ по отраслям знаний, в преподавании которых он особенно преуспевает. Что бы мы не делали, мы никогда не забываем, что в центре нашей деятельности стоит интеллектуальное развитие студентов.

Институт английского языка 
Центр помощи иностранным студентам 
Колледж Статен Айленда / Городской университет Нью-Йорка 
Адрес: Staten Island, New York 10314 
Тел. 718.982.2100 или 718.982.2090 
Факс: 718.982.2108

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

English during the summer in New York!

English during the summer in New York!

  • ELI welcomed students from China, Ecuador, Japan, Peru, South Korea, Spain, and Turkey. These new students will have different English courses such as Grammar, Communications, Reading & Writing, and a TOEFL test preparation workshop.

Summer in New York!
This summer is really warm in New York. However, that has not stopped international students to attend English classes and learn during the summer in a sunny CUNY campus at the College of Staten Island. These current students are eager to learn English for different purposes such as college or university preparation, language learning, job opportunities, and more.
The ELI program allows students to come for a semester term (4 months) or a summer term (6 weeks), but also ELI welcomes students to come for a week or more and join the groups.
Alejandra, winner of the 2018 ELI scholarship
Peruvian student, Alejandra, is the winner of the 2018 ELI scholarship offered some months ago in Peru. She competed with more than 400 international students and due to her grades in her home university, she won an academic scholarship and be able to study during this summer 2. She is already staying with a family homestay and enjoying the cultural experience while learning English in New York. 

ELI teachers, the best of ELI!
One of the strongest points ELI has is its teachers. They are the real reps of the program since they care for each student in class getting the best of them. Challenging exercises in class, hard-work during the TOEFL preparation sessions with a lot of new vocabulary, and fun academic activities make the program the best in New York.
ELI is now ready to welcome its new students for  Fall in August. We are sure they will spend a great time and live the experience of New York City!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

To Get Bent Out of Shape

When you “get bent out of shape,” you get upset because of something.
Example: After Susan’s basketball team lost, she got all bent out of shape.

Image courtesy of 

Saturday, May 12, 2018

To Bite Off your Nose to Spite your Face

When you “bite off your nose to spite your face,” you overreact to a situation and make it worse for yourself. It’s usually an action done for revenge.
Example: Linda got mad at Jackie and ignored her for years. Linda really bit off her nose to spite her face.

Image courtesy of 

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Wouldn’t be Caught Dead

If you “wouldn’t be caught dead” doing something, this means you would never do it.
Example: Lucas hates sports, so he wouldn’t be caught dead at a football game.

Image courtesy of 

Friday, April 27, 2018

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

 “A stitch in time saves nine” means that when you do something in a timely manner, you won’t have a lot of work to do later.
Example: Lucas learned that a stitch in time saves nine when he waited until the end of the semester to write his 15 page paper.

Image courtesy of 

Friday, April 20, 2018

To leave a bad taste in one’s mouth

When something “leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth,” it upsets them.
Example: Seeing the way Jared mistreated his girlfriend left a bad taste in Johnny’s mouth.

Image courtesy of

Friday, April 13, 2018

Jump Ship

When you “jump ship,” you abandon something.
Example: Once he realized the company was failing, Jackson jumped ship and found a new job.

Image courtesy of 

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Pull Yourself Together

When you “pull yourself together,” you calm down.
Example: After crying for 3 hours, Lola realized it was time to pull herself together.

Image courtesy of

Friday, March 30, 2018

Leaps and bounds

When something is happening by “leaps and bounds,” it is progressing rapidly.
Example: Their relationship is growing by leaps and bounds.

Image courtesy of

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Listen Up

When someone tells you to “listen up,” they are telling you to pay attention.
Example: “Okay everyone, listen up! We’re going to divide the class into teams,” said the gym teacher.
Image courtesy of

Friday, March 16, 2018

To Get a Fresh Start

When you “get a fresh start,” you start something over again.
Example: Lucas moved to a new city to get a fresh start.

Image courtesy of 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Steal a Glance

When you “steal a glance,” you look at someone or something secretly and quickly.
Example: Caroline stole a glance at the boy she likes during class.

Image courtesy of 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Puppy Love

“Puppy love” is the type of love experienced by children or teens. It’s innocent but not very deep.
Example: Lana is twelve and says Jackson is her boyfriend but it’s just puppy love.

Image courtesy of 

Saturday, February 24, 2018

To Give The Benefit of The Doubt

When you “give someone the benefit of the doubt,” you believe them even though they can not prove anything.
Example: During their discussion, Susan gave Kristen the benefit of the doubt, and assumed she was right.
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Friday, February 16, 2018

Live and Learn

 When you say “live and learn,” you are saying that you made a mistake and will learn from it.
Example: While baking her brother a birthday cake, Kelsey used baking powder instead of baking soda and ruined the cake. Live and learn!

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Friday, February 9, 2018

Under the Weather

When you feel “under the weather,” you feel sick.
Example: Yesterday, Susie felt a little under the weather. She went to the doctor the next day and found out she caught the flu!

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Saturday, February 3, 2018

To Get Bent Out of Shape

When you “get bent out of shape,” you get upset.
Example: Alyssa got all bent out of shape after she failed her English test.

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Friday, January 26, 2018

A Perfect Storm

When something is “a perfect storm,” it is the worst situation possible.
Example: Allen was planning on going out this weekend but then a perfect storm hit. His professor assigned a lot of homework, his parents were coming to visit, and he had to work an extra shift.
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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Full of Themselves

When someone is “full of themselves,” they are overly confident and arrogant. It is usually used as an insult.
Example: Lucas is so full of himself. He thinks he’s the best basketball player in New York, but he has only been playing for a week!

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Thursday, January 11, 2018

White as a Sheet

When you are as “white as a sheet,” you are extremely pale, usually because you’re frightened.
Example: During the haunted house, Jackson was as white as a sheet.

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Saturday, January 6, 2018

To Bundle Up

When you “bundle up,” you dress warmly.
Example: Susan’s mom told her to bundle up so she would not catch frost bite in this cold weather.

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